The exercises for shoulders on this application target the inner, outer and rear deltoid muscles as well as the trapezius.
The shoulders are the most widely used muscle in the upper body in my opinion. They function in almost every action that comes your way. The shoulders have almost 360 degrees of rotation, not to mention the fact that a broad, thick set of shoulders looks impressive on stage—and even better in the eyes of the ladies.
Shoulders are an important muscle, so why is it that so many people can't seem to develop a thick, well-balanced set of shoulders? Keep reading and we will figure out the answer to that question in time.
This application contains a workout programs to help turn your baseball-sized shoulders into massive bowling balls of muscle.
Latihan untuk bahu pada aplikasi ini menargetkan dalam, luar dan belakang otot deltoid serta trapezius.
Bahu adalah otot yang paling banyak digunakan di tubuh bagian atas menurut pendapat saya. Mereka berfungsi di hampir setiap tindakan yang datang dengan cara Anda. Bahu hampir 360 derajat rotasi, belum lagi fakta bahwa, set tebal luas bahu tampak mengesankan di panggung-dan bahkan lebih baik di mata wanita.
Bahu merupakan otot yang penting, jadi mengapa begitu banyak orang tidak bisa mengembangkan tebal, set seimbang bahu? Terus membaca dan kami akan mencari tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan itu dalam waktu.
Aplikasi ini berisi program latihan untuk membantu mengubah bahu bisbol berukuran Anda menjadi bola bowling besar otot.